Where can you find the cheapest ‘Haribo’ gummy bears: Spain, Sweden, or Estonia?

Today, we are comparing the price of ‘Haribo Goldbears’ in Spain, Sweden, and Estonia. All prices are based on a one-kilo equivalent, as pack sizes vary between countries: 80 grams in Sweden, 150 grams in Spain, and 175 grams in Estonia, with no discounts applied. To ensure consistency, the prices were sourced from major online grocery stores in each country: ‘Alcampo’ in Spain, ‘ICA’ in Sweden, and ‘Rimi’ in Estonia.

In Spain, a 150g pack of ‘Haribo Goldbears’ costs 1.85 EUR, translating to 12.33 EUR per kilogram:

An 80g pack of ‘Haribo Goldbears’ in Sweden costs 11.50 SEK, which translates to 143.75 SEK per kilogram. At the current exchange rate, this equals approximately 12.67 EUR per kilogram.

A 175g pack of ‘Haribo Goldbears’ in Estonia costs 2.19 EUR without any discounts. This brings the price to 12.51 EUR per kilogram:

As we can see, the prices of ‘Haribo Goldbears’ are quite similar across Spain, Sweden, and Estonia. But what about wages? According to Wikipedia, the average net wage in Q2 2024 was: 1,984 EUR in Spain, 37,480 SEK in Sweden (approximately 3,263 EUR), and 1,630 EUR in Estonia.

If we calculate how many kilos of gummy bears someone could buy with the average wage in each country, the results are as follows:

  1. Sweden: 258.
  2. Spain: 161;
  3. Estonia: 130.

    Looks like next time we’ll need to compare dental care costs in these countries! 😄

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